IdleMinerTycoon Wiki

All individual mines can be upgraded by purchasing "Prestige" (reset levels) for them. This costs a pre-determined amount of the Cash type used on the mine's continent (can be lowered by Skills). Prestige completely resets that mine and applies a permanent income boost to it.


A total of 6 levels of Prestige are available as of July 2021. Higher levels have higher Cash costs, and lower levels need to be unlocked first. (However, you do not actually have to spend time playing the mine between Prestiges if other mines earn more.) The Cash costs are pre-determined for a given mine and Prestige level, but vary among individual mines. There is a Skill available which lowers the cost of Prestiges globally.

Prestige can be bought at the mine (star icon at top of screen) or through the world map's left-hand pane, which provides an overview of which of your mines have Prestige available. Clicking the Prestige buttons shows the cost of the Prestige bottom left (even if you cannot afford it at the moment), and confirmation is required to buy.

Prestige is only available for the mines on the normal continents, you cannot use Prestige in any Mainland Mines, Frontier Mines or Event Mines.


Prestige only affects the mine for which it was purchased; nothing changes in the rest of the game.

Upon Prestige purchase:

Players gain:

  • Permanent multiplier to mine income (see table below)
  • 100 Super Cash reward

The following are not lost in Prestige:

  • Super Managers (even if assigned to the mine)
  • Ad Boosts in other mines (even if boost in reset mine originated from continent-wide boost feature)
  • Global income boosts (from purchased Items, Skills, Collectible cards, etc.)
  • Items, Skills, Skillpoints, Super Cash, standard Cash balance (minus the Prestige purchase price)
  • Any other progress anywhere in the game other than the reset mine

Prestige cannot be purchased for Super Cash , real money, Items, etc, nor cost-reduced by ads, won as reward, etc. It is, however, subject to no timers or limits other than its Cash cost.

Income Multipliers

Cost and Multiplier information are based on Prestige only (excluding Skill Tree and Chests multipliers)

(updated as of version 2.73.0)

Prestige 1 Prestige 2 Prestige 3 Prestige 4 Prestige 5 Prestige 6
START CONTINENT All costs in normal Cash $$$$
Coal Mine

Cost: 23.3ac

Multiplier: 4x

Cost: 57.6ak

Multiplier: 20x

Cost: 913ap

Multiplier: 30x

Cost: 702at

Multiplier: 45x

Cost: 110av

Multiplier: 60x

Cost: 2.3bd

Multiplier: 145x

Gold Mine

Cost: 142ad

Multiplier: 8x

Cost: 68.9ao

Multiplier: 28x

Cost: 13.2at

Multiplier: 42x

Cost: 4.2aw

Multiplier: 63x

Cost: 27ay

Multiplier: 90x

Cost: 81bd

Multiplier: 154x

Ruby Mine

Cost: 5.8ag

Multiplier: 12x

Cost: 3.32ar

Multiplier: 33x

Cost: 4.62av

Multiplier: 52x

Cost: 32.1ax

Multiplier: 76x

Cost: 8ba

Multiplier: 80x

Cost: 590bd

Multiplier: 150x

Diamond Mine

Cost: 240ai

Multiplier: 17x

Cost: 166as

Multiplier: 38x

Cost: 95.4av

Multiplier: 57x

Cost: 4.56az

Multiplier: 84x

Cost: 110bb

Multiplier: 120x

Cost: 3.3be

Multiplier: 158x

Emerald Mine

Cost: 980am

Multiplier: 24x

Cost: 88.1au

Multiplier: 48x

Cost: 324aw

Multiplier: 70x

Cost: 314ba

Multiplier: 100x

Cost: 15bc

Multiplier: 140x

Cost: 17be

Multiplier: 162x

ICE CONTINENT All costs in Ice Cash $$$$
Moonstone Mine

Cost: 27.9ac

Multiplier: 4x

Cost: 69.1ak

Multiplier: 20x

Cost: 1.09aq

Multiplier: 30x

Cost: 842at

Multiplier: 45x

Cost: 132av

Multiplier: 60x

Cost: 3.3bd

Multiplier: 145x

Amethyst Mine

Cost: 170ad

Multiplier: 8x

Cost: 82.6ao

Multiplier: 28x

Cost: 15.8at

Multiplier: 42x

Cost: 5.04aw

Multiplier: 63x

Cost: 32.4ay

Multiplier: 90x

Cost: 92bd

Multiplier: 154x

Sapphire Mine

Cost: 6.96ag

Multiplier: 12x

Cost: 3.98ar

Multiplier: 33x

Cost: 5.54av

Multiplier: 52x

Cost: 38.5ax

Multiplier: 76x

Cost: 9.6ba

Multiplier: 80x

Cost: 650bd

Multiplier: 150x

Crystal Mine

Cost: 288ai

Multiplier: 17x

Cost: 199as

Multiplier: 38x

Cost: 114av

Multiplier: 57x

Cost: 5.47az

Multiplier: 84x

Cost: 132bb

Multiplier: 120x

Cost: 4.9be

Multiplier: 158x

Jade Mine

Cost: 1.17an

Multiplier: 24x

Cost: 105au

Multiplier: 48x

Cost: 388aw

Multiplier: 70x

Cost: 376ba

Multiplier: 100x

Cost: 18bc

Multiplier: 140x

Cost: 18be

Multiplier: 162x

FIRE CONTINENT All costs in Fire Cash $$$$
Amber Mine

Cost: 69.6ac

Multiplier: 4x

Cost: 86.4ak

Multiplier: 20x

Cost: 1.36aq

Multiplier: 30x

Cost: 1.05au

Multiplier: 45x

Cost: 180av

Multiplier: 60x

Cost: 6.2bc

Multiplier: 115x

Sunstone Mine

Cost: 426ad

Multiplier: 8x

Cost: 103ao

Multiplier: 28x

Cost: 19.8at

Multiplier: 42x

Cost: 6.3aw

Multiplier: 63x

Cost: 1.65ay

Multiplier: 80x

Cost: 88bc

Multiplier: 120x

Topaz Mine

Cost: 17.4ag

Multiplier: 12x

Cost: 4.98ar

Multiplier: 33x

Cost: 6.93av

Multiplier: 52x

Cost: 48.1ax

Multiplier: 76x

Cost: 1.53az

Multiplier: 90x

Cost: 750bc

Multiplier: 124x

Platinum Mine

Cost: 720ai

Multiplier: 17x

Cost: 249as

Multiplier: 38x

Cost: 143av

Multiplier: 57x

Cost: 68.4ay

Multiplier: 84x

Cost: 3.3bb

Multiplier: 105x

Cost: 5.2bd

Multiplier: 127x

Obsidian Mine

Cost: 2.94an

Multiplier: 24x

Cost: 132au

Multiplier: 48x

Cost: 486aw

Multiplier: 70x

Cost: 4.71ba

Multiplier: 100x

Cost: 48bb

Multiplier: 110x

Cost: 13bd

Multiplier: 130x

DAWN CONTINENT All costs in Dawn Cash $$$$
Heliodor Mine

Cost: 699ac

Multiplier: 4x

Cost: 1.72al

Multiplier: 20x

Cost: 27.3aq

Multiplier: 30x

Cost: 21au

Multiplier: 45x

Cost: 3.6aw

Multiplier: 60x

Cost: 180bc

Multiplier: 115x

Realgar Mine

Cost: 4.26ae

Multiplier: 8x

Cost: 2.06ap

Multiplier: 28x

Cost: 396at

Multiplier: 42x

Cost: 126aw

Multiplier: 63x

Cost: 33ay

Multiplier: 80x

Cost: 8.3bd

Multiplier: 120x

Alexandrite Mine

Cost: 174ag

Multiplier: 12x

Cost: 99.6ar

Multiplier: 33x

Cost: 138av

Multiplier: 52x

Cost: 963ax

Multiplier: 76x

Cost: 30.6az

Multiplier: 90x

Cost: 66bd

Multiplier: 124x

Celestine Mine

Cost: 7.2aj

Multiplier: 17x

Cost: 4.98at

Multiplier: 38x

Cost: 2.86aw

Multiplier: 57x

Cost: 1.36az

Multiplier: 84x

Cost: 66bb

Multiplier: 105x

Cost: 390bd

Multiplier: 127x

Titanite Mine

Cost: 29.4an

Multiplier: 24x

Cost: 2.64av

Multiplier: 48x

Cost: 9.72ax

Multiplier: 70x

Cost: 94.2ba

Multiplier: 100x

Cost: 960bb

Multiplier: 110x

Cost: 1.5be

Multiplier: 130x

DUSK CONTINENT All costs in Dusk Cash $$$$
Fluorite Mine

Cost: 120ad

Multiplier: 4x

Cost: 670an

Multiplier: 20x

Cost: 8.1ar

Multiplier: 30x

Cost: 510au

Multiplier: 45x

Cost: 22ax

Multiplier: 60x

Cost: 850bc

Multiplier: 115x

Quartz Mine

Cost: 9.8ag

Multiplier: 8x

Cost: 7.2aq

Multiplier: 28x

Cost: 4.1au

Multiplier: 42x

Cost: 5ay

Multiplier: 63x

Cost: 8.5ba

Multiplier: 80x

Cost: 9.7bd

Multiplier: 120x

Aragonite Mine

Cost: 40ai

Multiplier: 12x

Cost: 5.1as

Multiplier: 33x

Cost: 6.4aw

Multiplier: 52x

Cost: 180az

Multiplier: 76x

Cost: 880ba

Multiplier: 90x

Cost: 73bd

Multiplier: 124x

Beryl Mine

Cost: 13al

Multiplier: 17x

Cost: 9.9at

Multiplier: 38x

Cost: 110aw

Multiplier: 57x

Cost: 67ba

Multiplier: 84x

Cost: 520bb

Multiplier: 105x

Cost: 460bd

Multiplier: 127x

Calcite Mine

Cost: 810ao

Multiplier: 24x

Cost: 74.3av

Multiplier: 48x

Cost: 620ay

Multiplier: 70x

Cost: 16bb

Multiplier: 100x

Cost: 1.5bc

Multiplier: 110x

Cost: 3.6be

Multiplier: 130x

ANCIENT CONTINENT All costs in Ancient Cash $$$$
Aquamarine Mine

Cost: 750ad

Multiplier: 4x

Cost: 1.1ao

Multiplier: 20x

Cost: 30ar

Multiplier: 30x

Cost: 920au

Multiplier: 45x

Cost: 73ax

Multiplier: 60x

Cost: 890bc

Multiplier: 115x

Ammolite Mine

Cost: 44ag

Multiplier: 8x

Cost: 12aq

Multiplier: 28x

Cost: 8.7au

Multiplier: 42x

Cost: 9.8ay

Multiplier: 63x

Cost: 38ba

Multiplier: 80x

Cost: 8.9bd

Multiplier: 120x

Azurite Mine

Cost: 91ai

Multiplier: 12x

Cost: 14as

Multiplier: 33x

Cost: 25aw

Multiplier: 52x

Cost: 710az

Multiplier: 76x

Cost: 3.9bb

Multiplier: 90x

Cost: 65bd

Multiplier: 124x

Pearl Mine

Cost: 71al

Multiplier: 17x

Cost: 55at

Multiplier: 38x

Cost: 800aw

Multiplier: 57x

Cost: 170ba

Multiplier: 84x

Cost: 2.1bc

Multiplier: 105x

Cost: 320bd

Multiplier: 127x

Turquoise Mine

Cost: 4.2ap

Multiplier: 24x

Cost: 540av

Multiplier: 48x

Cost: 1.7az

Multiplier: 70x

Cost: 74bb

Multiplier: 100x

Cost: 8.5bc

Multiplier: 110x

Cost: 1.5be

Multiplier: 130x
